Internal Skeltons, Shrugging Shoulders and EVO Skeleton

Trying to find out what you would like to have in your next doll can be a challenge but most are looking for something as real to the touch as we can get without skipping details.  For those of us that believe this to be true, some manufacturers (including WM Doll and others) have come out with an update to their models called "shrugging shoulders". 

This feature (an optional, usually paid upgrade) gives the doll's internal metal skeleton an additional joint near the shoulder that gives them the ability to move up and down, or in other words, provides the ability to shrug. The EVO Skeleton (offered exclusively from DollForever and their brands, including Piper Doll) gives even more flexibility to the model which specifically is the ability for the model to raise their legs over their head, or perform and hold a squat position.   

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